

Experimental control software for robotics, tested on Raspberry Pi 5.

System Configuration:

To configure the system, the files in the sysconf directory must be installed:

  1. Copy the UDEV *.rule files into /etc/udev/rules.d
  2. Copy config.txt to /boot
  3. Reboot the Raspberry Pi for the changes to take effect

Low Power Consumption When Powered Off:

By default, the Raspberry Pi 5 keeps the SoC powered on (in a shutdown state) even after the system is shut down. As a result, it continues to consume 1.2-1.6W of power, even with nothing plugged in except for power. For more details, see: Reducing Raspberry Pi 5's Power Consumption

This can be easily fixed by editing the EEPROM configuration with the following command:

user@alarm$ sudo rpi-eeprom-config -e

Ensure that POWER_OFF_ON_HALT=1 is set, while leaving the other variables unchanged:


To run rpi-eeprom-config on Arch Linux, you’ll need to install the rpi5-eeprom package from the PKGBUILDs repository. Run the following commands to do so:

user@alarm$ git clone https://github.com/archlinuxarm/PKGBUILDs
user@alarm$ cd PKGBUILDs/alarm/rpi-eeprom
user@alarm$ makepkg -s
user@alarm$ sudo pacman -U rpi5-eeprom-*.pkg.tar.xz

GPIO and PWM Access Without Root:

To enable GPIO and PWM access without root privileges on the Raspberry Pi 5, follow these steps:

  1. Create two new user groups: gpiod and pwm
  2. Add your user to both groups
  3. The UDEV rules installed previously will grant the gpiod and pwm user groups permission to access the respective subsystems.

This configuration ensures that GPIO and PWM operations can be performed without needing root access.

Build Instructions:

  1. Install stack. It’s recommended to use ghcup for installation.
  2. Run stack build to compile the libraries and executables

Note: You may need to install system dependencies on your host first (e.g., libgpiod, etc.)