{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} module Hsm.GPIO ( GPIO(..) , GPIOEffect , toggle , runGPIO ) where import Data.Aeson (FromJSON) import Data.Kind (Type) import Data.List (intercalate) import Data.Set (Set, toList, unions) import Data.String (IsString) import Data.Text (Text, pack) import Effectful (Dispatch(Static), DispatchOf, Eff, IOE, (:>)) import Effectful.Dispatch.Static qualified as E import Effectful.Exception (finally) import Effectful.Log (Log, localDomain, logTrace_) import GHC.Generics (Generic) import Hsm.Core.Log (flushLogger) import System.Process (callCommand) -- Monofunctional GPIO pins data GPIO = GPIO5 | GPIO6 | GPIO16 | GPIO17 | GPIO22 | GPIO23 | GPIO24 | GPIO25 | GPIO26 | GPIO27 deriving (Eq, FromJSON, Generic, Ord, Read, Show) data GPIOEffect key a b type instance DispatchOf (GPIOEffect key) = Static E.WithSideEffects -- Effect state is a mapping function from type `key` to a `Set` of GPIO pins. -- This enables `key`s of any type to control many pins simultaneously. Using -- a function (instead of `Data.Map`) ensures all keys map to pins, given the -- provided function is total. newtype instance E.StaticRep (GPIOEffect (key :: Type)) = GPIOEffect (key -> Set GPIO) domain :: Text domain = "gpio" stateStr :: IsString a => Bool -> a stateStr True = "on" stateStr False = "off" -- To control the pins, I use a subprocess call to `gpioset`. In the future -- I'd prefer wrapping `libgpiod` directly. It looks like no one has created a -- C wrapper yet, I might do it if I get bored. :) gpioset :: Log :> es => Bool -> Set GPIO -> [Word] -> Eff es () gpioset state gpios periods = do localDomain domain $ logTrace_ $ "Calling command: " <> pack command E.unsafeEff_ $ callCommand command where lineArg gpio = show gpio <> "=" <> stateStr state <> " " command = "gpioset -t" <> intercalate "," (show <$> periods) <> " " <> concatMap lineArg (toList gpios) logReport :: (Log :> es, Show key) => Bool -> key -> [Word] -> Set GPIO -> Eff es () logReport state key periods gpios = do localDomain domain $ logTrace_ report flushLogger where report = "Setting pins " <> pack (show gpios) <> " mapped to key " <> pack (show key) <> " to state " <> pack (show state) <> " using periods " <> pack (show periods) toggle :: (GPIOEffect key :> es, Log :> es, Show key) => Bool -> key -> [Word] -> Eff es () toggle state key periods = do GPIOEffect mapper <- E.getStaticRep set $ mapper key where set gpios = do logReport state key periods gpios gpioset state gpios periods runGPIO :: (IOE :> es, Log :> es, Bounded key, Enum key) => (key -> Set GPIO) -> Eff (GPIOEffect key : es) a -> Eff es a runGPIO mapper action = E.evalStaticRep (GPIOEffect mapper) $ finally action release where gpios = unions $ mapper <$> [minBound .. maxBound] endReport = "Setting all mapped pins " <> pack (show gpios) <> " to state " <> stateStr False release = do localDomain domain $ logTrace_ endReport gpioset False gpios [0]