FOR VERSION 0.1 Beta: ✔ Test [minimal criteria = above average fitness] on NeuroRacers @done (14-04-05 03:47) ✔ Serialize loaded and saved files in TOML @done (14-04-05 03:48) ✔ Cppn functions should be Sine, Gaussian, Sigmoid and Absolute @done (14-04-05 18:44) ✔ Add Population::setMinimumLifetime() @done (14-04-05 19:18) ✔ Add NeuralNet::getAverageActivation() @done (14-04-05 19:53) ✔ Place NeuralNet inside Organism class @done (14-04-11 03:08) ✔ Load/Save system links to a iostream object instead of fstream @done (14-05-09 19:14) ☐ Test cereal library (branch) ☐ Load/Save system for NNets (Add Save Sim to Guppies) ☐ Plugins: ☐ CPPN explorer ☐ NeuralNet Monitor ☐ Population Monitor ☐ Create HyperGuppies ☐ Code Doxygen documentation ☐ Make tutorial ☐ Release hyperneat:: 0.1 Beta FOR VERSION 1.0: ☐ Test recursive CPPNs ☐ addOrganism() / removeOrganism() / Change some parameters (Add Feature to Guppies) ☐ Create functional copy & move operators (for CPPNs, NNets and Populations) ☐ Create simple exception handling (for all public methods) ☐ Create Brain class (apply on Guppies) ☐ Allow non-realtime updating (NEAT instead of rtNEAT) ☐ Test Population::update() as separate thread ☐ Update documentation and tutorial ___________________ Archive: ✔ Find nice way to organize #includes @done (13-09-05 15:03) @project(FOR VERSION 0.1 Beta) ✔ DEBUG!!! - Done ??? @done (13-10-06 23:53) @project(FOR VERSION 0.1 Beta) ✔ Fix NeuralNet::create() @done (13-10-09 17:38) @project(FOR VERSION 0.1 Beta) ✔ Make everything HyperThreaded again @done (13-10-11 04:41) @project(FOR VERSION 0.1 Beta) ✔ Eliminate Population::getAllNeuralNets() @done (13-10-10 23:02) @project(FOR VERSION 0.1 Beta) ✔ Recent update flag on Population @done (13-10-11 04:00) @project(FOR VERSION 0.1 Beta) ✔ Make Neuron::Type @done (13-10-11 05:22) @project(FOR VERSION 0.1 Beta) ✔ Test Genome::NodeGene matching system (Save & Load) @done (13-10-28 01:37) @project(FOR VERSION 0.1 Beta) ✔ Include distance on Node Search @done (13-11-06 04:22) @project(FOR VERSION 0.1 Beta) ✔ Revise Integer data types @done (13-11-09 23:52) @project(FOR VERSION 0.1 Beta) ✔ Include a pointSetter() function as parameter to Population::update() function @done (13-11-10 00:20) @project(FOR VERSION 0.1 Beta) ✔ Implement "Minimal Criteria Novelty Search" (test on NeuroRacers) @done (13-11-21 01:54) @project(FOR VERSION 0.1 Beta)