
SALIS: Artificial Life Simulator (v2.0)

SALIS running simulation


SALIS is my newest artificial life project. Mainly a re-take on Tom Ray's TIERRA simulation, but with my very own set of tweaks. Having a grasp on TIERRA will make understanding this simulation a lot easier.

For those that already know TIERRA, the main difference between it and SALIS is the addition of a seeker pointer to all organisms.

The seeker pointer (SP) is an attempt to bring extra spatial and temporal coherence to the simulation. Allocation, reads and writes will take more time when done between addresses that are far away, as a consequence of the SP having to travel those distances at a speed of 1 byte per simulation cycle (SALIS' speed-of-light if you will).

To watch an introductory video about SALIS (v1.0) go here.

Follow SALIS on Reddit.

CPU structure

In SALIS, CPUs are considered the actual, living organisms. They all consist of the following elements: - One or two associated memory blocks - One instruction pointer - One seeker pointer - 4 general-purpose registers - A stack of 8 values


  • Newborn organisms are placed on top of the queue
  • Organisms are killed at the bottom of the queue
  • Organisms are killed whenever memory fills above 50%


In SALIS mutation occurs via cosmic rays: at every cycle a random 32 bit address is selected and a random instruction is written into it. This simple mutation scheme is enough to allow evolution by natural selection to occur.

Instruction set

SALIS' organisms read a simple language similar to ASM. This language consists of 32 instructions, each with an associated name and symbol. Whenever an organism performs an invalid instruction it is considered a fault.

Faults may be caused by:

  • Not having enough register modifiers located after the current instruction
  • Performing a search or attempting a jump without a following template
  • Writing to an allocated (but not owned) or invalid address
  • Reading (loading) from an invalid address
  • SP being on address non-adjacent to child memory block, while allocating
  • Swapping or splitting when not owning 2 memory blocks
  • Dividing by zero

The Common Sender and Receiver

Common sender and receiver are special functors through which SALIS simulations can communicate. Organisms can push or pull instructions via these functions, which must be provided by the wrapper application. With some configuration, genetic data may easily travel through a local or wide area network.

Instruction set

Name Symbol Arguments Description
NOP0 . 0 Template constructor
NOP1 : 0 Template constructor
MODA a 0 Register modifier
MODB b 0 Register modifier
MODC c 0 Register modifier
MODD d 0 Register modifier
JMPB ( 0 Jump back to template complement
JMPF ) 0 Jump forward to template complement
ADRB [ 1 Search back for template complement
ADRF ] 1 Search forward for template complement
MALB { 2 Allocate backward
MALF } 2 Allocate forward
SWAP % 0 Swap memory blocks
SPLT $ 0 Split child memory block
INCN ^ 1 Increment register
DECN v 1 Decrement register
SHFL < 1 Shift-left register
SHFR > 1 Shift-right register
ZERO 0 1 Zero out register
UNIT 1 1 Place 1 on register
NOTN ! 1 Negation operator
IFNZ ? 1 Conditional operator
SUMN + 3 Add two registers
SUBN - 3 Subtract two registers
MULN * 3 Multiply two registers
DIVN / 3 Divide two registers
LOAD L 2 Load instruction from memory
WRTE W 2 Write instruction into memory
SEND S 1 Send instruction to common sender
RECV R 1 Receive instruction from common receiver
PSHN # 1 Push value to stack
POPN ~ 1 Pop value from stack

Instructions that modify values on registers may be followed by up to 3 register modifiers (r[0], r[1] and r[2]). When not enough modifiers are present after a given instruction, remaining registers are set to rax (table below shows some examples).

Sample r[0] r[1] r[2] Meaning
+bcd rbx rcx rdx rbx = rcx + rdx
-bb rbx rbx rax rbx = rbx - rax
* rax rax rax rax = rax * rax
!c rcx --- --- rcx = !rcx
]b.. rbx --- --- rbx = address of closest following ::
[:: rax --- --- rax = address of closest previous ..

Installing SALIS

You'll need a C compiler (GCC) and python 3. A sample makefile is provided for GNU Make. Just run make inside this directory. Also, make sure to make the Salis.py script executable as such:

$ git clone https://github.com/paultoliver/salis-2.0
$ cd salis-2.0/
$ make
$ chmod +x bin/salis.py

You may edit the makefile as needed. Library should compile easily on Linux with the GCC compiler. Feel free to open up an issue if any problems arise that are specific to your distribution, or if you'd like to port Salis to other platforms. :-)

Running SALIS

Assuming you have python 3 already installed and in your PATH, as well as the Cython package installed, you may run SALIS in one of the following ways. Top one creates a new simulation of order 16 and gives it the name ./bin/sims/16.sim. The second one attempts to load an existing save-file from the ./bin/sims directory.

$ ./bin/salis.py new --order 16 --file 16.sim
$ ./bin/salis.py load --file 16.sim

Look at README file inside the ./bin directory for a full list of commands.

New features on Salis-2.0

  • Tierran templates are now used instead of keys/lock pairs
  • The instruction set is shorter
  • Organisms can send/receive instructions through the network

Python integration

  • Salis controller/viewer is now written in python 3
  • Salis C header files are parsed for easier DLL loading
  • Organisms' IP addresses are now shown on WORLD view
  • Salis console allows line editing and command history
  • Genome compilation is now done via the python Handler module