diff options
authorPaul Oliver <contact@pauloliver.dev>2025-02-26 18:07:58 -0800
committerPaul Oliver <contact@pauloliver.dev>2025-03-06 21:11:49 +0000
commite586927bdeef9d1d59f464c0fed86977ec9fd6c4 (patch)
parentc123795a0d9588f40f06dba918bb0130944302ec (diff)
Adds drive service and test app
6 files changed, 242 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/hsm-bin/Test/Drive.hs b/hsm-bin/Test/Drive.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a58c11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hsm-bin/Test/Drive.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+import Control.IO.Region (region)
+import Control.Monad.Loops (whileJust_)
+import Hsm.Drive (DriveEnv, drive, driveEnvDefault)
+import Hsm.GPIO (allocateGPIO)
+import Hsm.PWM (allocatePWM)
+import Hsm.Readline (allocateReadline, readline)
+newtype Env = Env
+ { driveEnv :: DriveEnv
+ }
+main :: IO ()
+main =
+ region $ \ioRegion -> do
+ lineRequest <- allocateGPIO ioRegion "test-status"
+ pwmHandle <- allocatePWM ioRegion $ const 0
+ handle <- allocateReadline ioRegion
+ whileJust_ (readline handle)
+ $ drive lineRequest pwmHandle
+ $ Env driveEnvDefault
diff --git a/hsm-bin/hsm-bin.cabal b/hsm-bin/hsm-bin.cabal
index 0dc0a81..de6e1a5 100644
--- a/hsm-bin/hsm-bin.cabal
+++ b/hsm-bin/hsm-bin.cabal
@@ -24,3 +24,11 @@ executable test-status
import: test-executable
build-depends: hsm-status
main-is: Test/Status.hs
+executable test-drive
+ import: test-executable
+ build-depends:
+ , hsm-drive
+ , hsm-pwm
+ main-is: Test/Drive.hs
diff --git a/hsm-drive/Hsm/Drive.hs b/hsm-drive/Hsm/Drive.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3580b5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hsm-drive/Hsm/Drive.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedRecordDot #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+module Hsm.Drive
+ ( Speed(..)
+ , Direction(..)
+ , Duration
+ , DriveAction(..)
+ , DriveEnv(..)
+ , driveEnvDefault
+ , drive
+ ) where
+import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
+import Control.Exception (AsyncException, handle)
+import Control.Monad (forM_)
+import Data.Text (pack)
+import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
+import Foreign.Ptr (Ptr)
+import GHC.Records (HasField)
+import Hsm.GPIO (GPIO(..), LineRequest, active, inactive, setPins)
+import Hsm.Log qualified as L
+import Hsm.PWM qualified as P
+import System.IO.Echo (withoutInputEcho)
+data Direction
+ = N
+ | NE
+ | E
+ | SE
+ | S
+ | SW
+ | W
+ | NW
+ | RL
+ | RR
+ deriving (Read, Show, Typeable)
+data Speed
+ = SlowXXX
+ | SlowXX
+ | SlowX
+ | Slow
+ | Fast
+ | Top
+ deriving (Read, Show, Typeable)
+type Duration = Float
+data DriveAction
+ = Move Direction Speed Duration
+ | Stop Duration
+ deriving (Read, Show, Typeable)
+-- This function maps a `Speed` value to a corresponding PWM cycle duration.
+-- It assumes a stepper motor with 200 steps per revolution, using a 1/16
+-- microstep setting (so actually, 3200 steps per revolution). The returned
+-- values represent the duration of a whole PWM cycle in nanoseconds.
+cycleDuration :: Speed -> Int
+cycleDuration SlowXXX = 8000000000 `div` 3200 -- 1/8 revs/s
+cycleDuration SlowXX = 4000000000 `div` 3200 -- 1/4 revs/s
+cycleDuration SlowX = 2000000000 `div` 3200 -- 1/2 revs/s
+cycleDuration Slow = 1000000000 `div` 3200 -- 1 revs/s
+cycleDuration Fast = 500000000 `div` 3200 -- 2 revs/s
+cycleDuration Top = 250000000 `div` 3200 -- 4 revs/s
+data DriveEnv = DriveEnv
+ { pinEnable :: GPIO
+ , pinDiag1 :: GPIO
+ , pinDiag2 :: GPIO
+ , pinDir1 :: GPIO
+ , pinDir2 :: GPIO
+ , pinDir3 :: GPIO
+ , pinDir4 :: GPIO
+ , pwmChannel :: P.PWMChannel
+ }
+driveEnvDefault :: DriveEnv
+driveEnvDefault =
+ DriveEnv
+ { pinEnable = GPIO21
+ , pinDiag1 = GPIO20
+ , pinDiag2 = GPIO16
+ , pinDir1 = GPIO12
+ , pinDir2 = GPIO7
+ , pinDir3 = GPIO8
+ , pinDir4 = GPIO25
+ , pwmChannel = P.PWM3
+ }
+drive ::
+ HasField "driveEnv" env DriveEnv
+ => Ptr LineRequest
+ -> P.PWMHandle
+ -> env
+ -> [DriveAction]
+ -> IO Bool
+drive lineRequest pwmHandle env actions =
+ withoutInputEcho $ handle handler runActions
+ where
+ logMsg = L.logMsg ["drive"]
+ -- Sets GPIO pins to a desired state
+ setCycleDuration = P.setCycleDuration pwmHandle env.driveEnv.pwmChannel
+ setActive pins = setPins lineRequest (pins <*> [env.driveEnv]) active
+ setInactive pins = setPins lineRequest (pins <*> [env.driveEnv]) inactive
+ -- Pin assignments for various movement directions, each direction
+ -- corresponds to a specific set of GPIO pins.
+ pinsDiag = [pinDiag1, pinDiag2]
+ pinsDir = [pinDir1, pinDir2, pinDir3, pinDir4]
+ pinDiagNE = [pinDiag1]
+ pinDiagSE = [pinDiag2]
+ pinDiagSW = [pinDiag1]
+ pinDiagNW = [pinDiag2]
+ pinsN = [pinDir2, pinDir4]
+ pinsE = [pinDir1, pinDir2]
+ pinsS = [pinDir1, pinDir3]
+ pinsW = [pinDir3, pinDir4]
+ pinsRL = [pinDir1, pinDir2, pinDir3, pinDir4]
+ pinsRR = []
+ -- Introduces a delay with the duration converted from seconds to
+ -- microseconds.
+ runDelay = threadDelay . round . (* 1000000)
+ -- Ensures that the system is reset to a safe state by setting the PWM
+ -- cycle duration to zero and deactivating all used motor control pins.
+ runRelease = do
+ setCycleDuration 0
+ setInactive $ pinsDir <> pinsDiag
+ -- Handles each movement command and activates the appropriate pins for
+ -- the requested direction. It also sets the cycle duration for PWM and
+ -- holds this state for the specified duration.
+ runAction (Move direction speed duration) = do
+ case direction of
+ N -> setActive $ pinsN <> pinsDiag
+ NE -> setActive $ pinsN <> pinDiagNE
+ E -> setActive $ pinsE <> pinsDiag
+ SE -> setActive $ pinsS <> pinDiagSE
+ S -> setActive $ pinsS <> pinsDiag
+ SW -> setActive $ pinsS <> pinDiagSW
+ W -> setActive $ pinsW <> pinsDiag
+ NW -> setActive $ pinsN <> pinDiagNW
+ RL -> setActive $ pinsRL <> pinsDiag
+ RR -> setActive $ pinsRR <> pinsDiag
+ setCycleDuration $ cycleDuration speed
+ runDelay duration
+ runRelease
+ -- A Stop command causes the system to wait for the specified duration
+ -- without performing any movement. During this period, the motor drivers
+ -- remain enabled, effectively applying a brake to the motor by holding it
+ -- in its current position.
+ runAction (Stop duration) = runDelay duration
+ -- Catches any asynchronous exceptions during the execution of commands.
+ -- If an exception occurs, the system will log the error and ensure that
+ -- the motors are safely released by calling `runRelease`.
+ handler exception = do
+ logMsg
+ $ "Async exception caught while command was running: "
+ <> pack (show @AsyncException exception)
+ runRelease
+ return False
+ -- Executes a series of drive actions
+ runActions = do
+ setCycleDuration 0
+ -- The A4988 motor driver is placed in sleep mode between commands to
+ -- save power. To wake it up, a 1-microsecond delay is required before
+ -- sending step commands. For added safety, we wait 1 millisecond to
+ -- ensure the driver is fully awake.
+ logMsg "Enabling drivers"
+ setActive [pinEnable]
+ logMsg "Allowing drivers to come out of sleep mode"
+ threadDelay 1000
+ forM_ actions $ \action -> do
+ logMsg $ "Running action " <> pack (show action)
+ runAction action
+ logMsg "Disabling drivers"
+ setInactive [pinEnable]
+ return True
diff --git a/hsm-drive/hsm-drive.cabal b/hsm-drive/hsm-drive.cabal
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a9dbe69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hsm-drive/hsm-drive.cabal
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+cabal-version: 3.4
+author: Paul Oliver
+build-type: Simple
+maintainer: contact@pauloliver.dev
+name: hsm-drive
+ build-depends:
+ , base
+ , echo
+ , hsm-gpio
+ , hsm-log
+ , hsm-pwm
+ , text
+ exposed-modules: Hsm.Drive
+ ghc-options: -Wall -Wunused-packages
+ default-language: GHC2021
diff --git a/hsm-pwm/Hsm/PWM.hs b/hsm-pwm/Hsm/PWM.hs
index ad4c052..6b2a882 100644
--- a/hsm-pwm/Hsm/PWM.hs
+++ b/hsm-pwm/Hsm/PWM.hs
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
module Hsm.PWM
( PWMHandle
, PWMChannel(PWM2, PWM3)
- , setFrequency
+ , setCycleDuration
, allocatePWM
) where
@@ -78,16 +78,23 @@ setDutyCycle channel dutyCycle = do
(_, _, dutyCyclePath) = channelPaths channel
-setFrequency :: PWMHandle -> PWMChannel -> Int -> IO ()
-setFrequency _ channel frequency = do
+setCycleDuration :: PWMHandle -> PWMChannel -> Int -> IO ()
+setCycleDuration _ channel 0 = do
+ logMsg $ "Halting PWM signals on channel " <> pack (show channel)
+ setEnable channel False
+setCycleDuration _ channel cycleDuration = do
- $ "Setting frequency on channel "
+ $ "Setting cycle duration on channel "
<> pack (show channel)
<> " to "
- <> pack (show frequency)
+ <> pack (show cycleDuration)
setEnable channel False
- setPeriod channel frequency
- setDutyCycle channel $ frequency `div` 2
+ -- Sets the duty cycle to zero before updating the period. This prevents
+ -- `Invalid argument` errors, as the period must never be set to a value
+ -- smaller than the duty cycle.
+ setDutyCycle channel 0
+ setPeriod channel cycleDuration
+ setDutyCycle channel $ cycleDuration `div` 2
setEnable channel True
allocatePWM :: Region -> (PWMChannel -> Int) -> IO PWMHandle
@@ -118,7 +125,7 @@ allocatePWM region mapper = alloc_ region acquire $ const release
waitWritable enablePath
waitWritable periodPath
waitWritable dutyCyclePath
- setFrequency PWMHandle channel $ mapper channel
+ setCycleDuration PWMHandle channel $ mapper channel
acquire = do
waitWritable exportPath
waitWritable unexportPath
diff --git a/stack.yaml b/stack.yaml
index 6011fcd..0fda386 100644
--- a/stack.yaml
+++ b/stack.yaml
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
- hsm-bin
+ - hsm-drive
- hsm-gpio
- hsm-log
- hsm-pwm