path: root/hsm-core
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'hsm-core')
7 files changed, 363 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/hsm-core/Hsm/Core/App.hs b/hsm-core/Hsm/Core/App.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..51f6d94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hsm-core/Hsm/Core/App.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE ImportQualifiedPost #-}
+-- Module : Hsm.Core.App
+-- Maintainer :
+module Hsm.Core.App
+ ( launch
+ )
+import Control.Applicative ((<**>))
+import Data.Aeson (FromJSON, Result (Error, Success), Value, fromJSON)
+import Data.Aeson.Key (fromString)
+import Data.Aeson.KeyMap (KeyMap, (!?))
+import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
+import Data.Text (pack, unpack)
+import Data.Yaml (decodeFileThrow)
+import Effectful.Log (LogLevel (LogInfo), Logger, readLogLevelEither, showLogLevel)
+import Log.Backend.StandardOutput (withStdOutLogger)
+import Options.Applicative qualified as P
+import System.IO.Echo (withoutInputEcho)
+data Options = Options String LogLevel
+parser :: P.Parser Options
+parser =
+ Options
+ <$> P.strOption
+ ( "Path to services config file"
+ <> P.short 'c'
+ <> P.long "config"
+ <> P.metavar "PATH"
+ <> P.value "config.yaml"
+ <> P.showDefault
+ )
+ <*> P.option
+ (P.eitherReader $ readLogLevelEither . pack)
+ ( "Log level"
+ <> P.short 'l'
+ <> P.long "log-level"
+ <> P.metavar "LEVEL"
+ <> P.value LogInfo
+ <> P.showDefaultWith (unpack . showLogLevel)
+ )
+-- Bootstraps an application by reading its settings from a provided
+-- configuration file. A configuration must exist in the config file for the name
+-- provided. A logger object, log level and read-only configuration are passed
+-- down to the provided application.
+launch :: FromJSON e => String -> (Logger -> LogLevel -> e -> IO a) -> IO a
+launch name app =
+ P.execParser info >>= \(Options path level) ->
+ returnEnv path >>= \env ->
+ withoutInputEcho $ withStdOutLogger $ \logger -> app logger level env
+ where
+ title :: String
+ title = "Launch " <> name <> " service"
+ description :: P.InfoMod Options
+ description = P.fullDesc <> P.progDesc title
+ info :: P.ParserInfo Options
+ info = (parser <**> P.helper) description
+ err :: String
+ err = "Service configuration for " <> name <> " not found"
+ load :: KeyMap Value -> Value
+ load configs = fromMaybe (error err) $ configs !? fromString name
+ check :: Result e -> e
+ check (Success e) = e
+ check (Error str) = error str
+ returnEnv :: FromJSON e => String -> IO e
+ returnEnv = fmap (check . fromJSON . load) . decodeFileThrow
diff --git a/hsm-core/Hsm/Core/Fsm.hs b/hsm-core/Hsm/Core/Fsm.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..caa2e7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hsm-core/Hsm/Core/Fsm.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+-- Module : Hsm.Core.Fsm
+-- Maintainer :
+module Hsm.Core.Fsm
+ ( Method (Method)
+ , FsmC
+ , fsm
+ )
+import Control.Exception.Safe (Exception, catch, displayException)
+import Data.Text (Text, pack)
+import Effectful ((:>))
+import Effectful.Log (Log, localDomain, logAttention_, logTrace_)
+import Effectful.Reader.Static (Reader)
+import Effectful.State.Static.Local (State)
+import GHC.Records (HasField)
+import Hsm.Core.Pipes (Pipe)
+data Method a b e s x es = Method Text (Pipe a b e s es (Method a b e s x es))
+type FsmC e s x es = (HasField "name" e Text, Exception x, Log :> es, Reader e :> es, State s :> es)
+-- Builds an FSM with an initial and a default method. Because both @Proxy@
+-- and @Eff@ are instances of @MonadCatch@ and @MonadThrow@, exceptions may be
+-- thrown from within state methods. The FSM transitions to its default state
+-- if an exception is thrown.
+fsm :: forall a b e s x es. FsmC e s x es => Method a b e s x es -> Method a b e s x es -> Pipe a b e s es ()
+fsm actionInit actionDefault = localDomain "fsm" $ run actionInit
+ where
+ run :: Method a b e s x es -> Pipe a b e s es ()
+ run (Method name action) = do
+ logTrace_ $ "Entering state " <> name
+ next <- localDomain name action `catch` handle
+ logTrace_ $ "Exiting state " <> name
+ run next
+ where
+ handle :: x -> Pipe a b e s es (Method a b e s x es)
+ handle exception = do
+ logAttention_ $ "Exception caught while on state " <> name
+ logAttention_ $ pack $ displayException exception
+ return actionDefault
diff --git a/hsm-core/Hsm/Core/LogIO.hs b/hsm-core/Hsm/Core/LogIO.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb187e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hsm-core/Hsm/Core/LogIO.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE ImportQualifiedPost #-}
+-- Module : Hsm.Core.LogIO
+-- Maintainer :
+module Hsm.Core.LogIO
+ ( LoggerIO
+ , getLoggerIO
+ )
+import Data.Aeson.Types (emptyObject)
+import Data.Text (Text)
+import Data.Time.Clock (getCurrentTime)
+import Effectful.Log (LogLevel, MonadLog)
+import Effectful.Log qualified as L (getLoggerIO)
+-- Wraps logger returned by @getLoggerIO@ into simpler type.
+type LoggerIO = LogLevel -> Text -> IO ()
+getLoggerIO :: MonadLog m => m LoggerIO
+getLoggerIO =
+ L.getLoggerIO >>= \logIO ->
+ return $ \level msg ->
+ getCurrentTime >>= \now ->
+ logIO now level msg emptyObject
diff --git a/hsm-core/Hsm/Core/Message.hs b/hsm-core/Hsm/Core/Message.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..069ab99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hsm-core/Hsm/Core/Message.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE ImportQualifiedPost #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+-- Module : Hsm.Core.Message
+-- Maintainer :
+module Hsm.Core.Message
+ ( message
+ , topic
+ , body
+ )
+import Data.Binary (Binary, decode, encode)
+import Data.ByteString (ByteString, fromStrict, toStrict)
+import Data.ByteString.Char8 qualified as B (breakSubstring, drop, length)
+import Data.Text (Text)
+import Data.Text.Encoding (encodeUtf8)
+sep :: ByteString
+sep = "//"
+message :: Binary a => Text -> a -> ByteString
+message t b = encodeUtf8 t <> sep <> toStrict (encode b)
+topic :: ByteString -> ByteString
+topic = fst . B.breakSubstring sep
+body :: Binary a => ByteString -> a
+body = decode . fromStrict . B.drop (B.length sep) . snd . B.breakSubstring sep
diff --git a/hsm-core/Hsm/Core/Pipes.hs b/hsm-core/Hsm/Core/Pipes.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c63c59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hsm-core/Hsm/Core/Pipes.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE ImportQualifiedPost #-}
+-- Module : Hsm.Core.Pipes
+-- Maintainer :
+module Hsm.Core.Pipes
+ ( Proxy
+ , (>->)
+ , await
+ , yield
+ , runEffect
+ , Producer
+ , Pipe
+ , Consumer
+ )
+import Control.Exception.Safe (MonadCatch, MonadThrow)
+import Control.Monad.Reader (MonadReader, ask, local)
+import Control.Monad.State (MonadState, get, put)
+import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource (MonadResource, liftResourceT)
+import Data.Composition ((.:.))
+import Effectful (Eff, IOE, (:>))
+import Effectful.Log (Log, MonadLog, getLoggerEnv, localData, localDomain, localMaxLogLevel, logMessage)
+import Effectful.Reader.Static qualified as E (Reader, ask, local)
+import Effectful.Resource (Resource)
+import Effectful.State.Static.Local qualified as E (State, get, put)
+import Pipes (MonadIO, X, hoist, lift, liftIO)
+import Pipes qualified as P (Proxy, await, runEffect, yield, (>->))
+-- Wraps @Pipes.Proxy@ with @Eff@ as its internal monad. This provides
+-- composable streaming plus @Eff@ as a means to constrain effects within
+-- individual pipeline components.
+newtype Proxy a' a b' b e s es r = Proxy (P.Proxy a' a b' b (Eff es) r) deriving (Applicative, Functor, Monad, MonadCatch, MonadThrow)
+(>->) :: Proxy a' a () b e s es r -> Proxy () b c' c e s es r -> Proxy a' a c' c e s es r
+Proxy a >-> Proxy b = Proxy $ a P.>-> b
+await :: Proxy () a y' y e s es a
+await = Proxy P.await
+yield :: a -> Proxy x' x () a e s es ()
+yield = Proxy . P.yield
+runEffect :: Proxy X () () X e s es r -> Eff es r
+runEffect (Proxy effect) = P.runEffect effect
+instance Log :> es => MonadLog (Proxy a' a b' b e s es) where
+ getLoggerEnv = Proxy $ lift getLoggerEnv
+ localData env (Proxy action) = Proxy $ hoist (localData env) action
+ localDomain domain (Proxy action) = Proxy $ hoist (localDomain domain) action
+ localMaxLogLevel level (Proxy action) = Proxy $ hoist (localMaxLogLevel level) action
+ logMessage = Proxy . lift .:. logMessage
+instance E.Reader e :> es => MonadReader e (Proxy a' a b' b e s es) where
+ ask = Proxy $ lift E.ask
+ local f (Proxy action) = Proxy $ hoist (E.local f) action
+instance (IOE :> es, Resource :> es) => MonadResource (Proxy a' a b' b e s es) where
+ liftResourceT = Proxy . lift . liftResourceT
+instance E.State s :> es => MonadState s (Proxy a' a b' b e s es) where
+ get = Proxy $ lift E.get
+ put = Proxy . lift . E.put
+instance IOE :> es => MonadIO (Proxy a' a b' b e s es) where
+ liftIO = Proxy . lift . liftIO
+type Producer b e s es = Proxy X () () b e s es
+type Pipe a b e s es = Proxy () a () b e s es
+type Consumer a e s es = Proxy () a () X e s es
diff --git a/hsm-core/Hsm/Core/Zmq.hs b/hsm-core/Hsm/Core/Zmq.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..69ff59a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hsm-core/Hsm/Core/Zmq.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE ImportQualifiedPost #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedRecordDot #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+-- Module : Hsm.Core.Zmq
+-- Maintainer :
+module Hsm.Core.Zmq
+ ( client
+ , server
+ )
+import Control.Monad (forM_, forever)
+import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
+import Control.Monad.Reader (ask)
+import Data.Binary (Binary)
+import Data.Text (Text, pack, unpack)
+import Data.Text.Encoding (encodeUtf8)
+import Effectful (IOE, (:>))
+import Effectful.Log (Log, LogLevel (LogTrace), localDomain, logInfo_, logTrace_)
+import Effectful.Reader.Static (Reader)
+import Effectful.Resource (Resource, allocate)
+import GHC.Records (HasField)
+import Hsm.Core.LogIO (LoggerIO, getLoggerIO)
+import Hsm.Core.Message (body, message)
+import Hsm.Core.Pipes (Consumer, Producer, Proxy, await, yield)
+import System.ZMQ4 qualified as Z
+data ZmqResource t = ZmqResource Z.Context (Z.Socket t)
+type ZmqC e es = (IOE :> es, Log :> es, Reader e :> es, Resource :> es)
+type UsingC t e es = (Z.SocketType t, ZmqC e es)
+type ClientC a e es = (Binary a, HasField "name" e Text, HasField "subEps" e [Text], HasField "topics" e [Text], ZmqC e es)
+type ServerC a e es = (Binary a, HasField "name" e Text, HasField "pubEp" e Text, ZmqC e es)
+type Action t a' a b' b e s es = Z.Socket t -> e -> Proxy a' a b' b e s es ()
+using :: forall t a' a b' b e s es. UsingC t e es => t -> Action t a' a b' b e s es -> Proxy a' a b' b e s es ()
+using stype action = getLoggerIO >>= safely
+ where
+ safely :: LoggerIO -> Proxy a' a b' b e s es ()
+ safely logger =
+ allocate acquire release >>= \(_, ZmqResource _ socket) ->
+ ask >>= action socket
+ where
+ acquire :: IO (ZmqResource t)
+ acquire = do
+ logger LogTrace "Acquiring ZMQ context"
+ context <- Z.context
+ socket <- Z.socket context stype
+ return $ ZmqResource context socket
+ release :: ZmqResource t -> IO ()
+ release (ZmqResource context socket) = do
+ logger LogTrace "Releasing ZMQ context"
+ Z.close socket
+ Z.shutdown context
+client :: ClientC a e es => Producer a e s es ()
+client =
+ using Z.Sub $ \socket e ->
+ localDomain "client" $ do
+ logInfo_ "Initializing ZMQ client"
+ liftIO $ forM_ e.subEps $ Z.connect socket . unpack
+ liftIO $ forM_ e.topics $ Z.subscribe socket . encodeUtf8
+ logTrace_ $ "Listening to " <> pack (show e.subEps)
+ logTrace_ $ "Subscribed to " <> pack (show e.topics)
+ forever $ liftIO (Z.receive socket) >>= yield . body
+server :: ServerC a e es => Consumer a e s es ()
+server =
+ using Z.Pub $ \socket e ->
+ localDomain "server" $ do
+ logInfo_ "Initializing ZMQ server"
+ liftIO $ Z.bind socket $ unpack e.pubEp
+ logTrace_ $ "Publishing to " <> e.pubEp
+ forever $ await >>= liftIO . Z.send socket [] . message
diff --git a/hsm-core/hsm-core.cabal b/hsm-core/hsm-core.cabal
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..334f144
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hsm-core/hsm-core.cabal
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+cabal-version: 3.4
+author: Paul Oliver
+build-type: Simple
+name: hsm-core
+ build-depends:
+ , aeson
+ , base
+ , binary
+ , bytestring
+ , composition
+ , echo
+ , effectful-core
+ , log-base
+ , log-effectful
+ , mtl
+ , optparse-applicative
+ , pipes
+ , resourcet
+ , resourcet-effectful
+ , safe-exceptions
+ , text
+ , time
+ , yaml
+ , zeromq4-haskell
+ exposed-modules:
+ Hsm.Core.App
+ Hsm.Core.Fsm
+ Hsm.Core.LogIO
+ Hsm.Core.Message
+ Hsm.Core.Pipes
+ Hsm.Core.Zmq
+ ghc-options: -Wall -Wunused-packages
+ default-language: GHC2024