path: root/hsm-pwm/Hsm
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1 files changed, 144 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/hsm-pwm/Hsm/PWM.hs b/hsm-pwm/Hsm/PWM.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1aca773
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hsm-pwm/Hsm/PWM.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedRecordDot #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+module Hsm.PWM
+ ( PWMHandle
+ , PWMChannel(PWM2, PWM3)
+ , PWMConfig(PWMConfig, period, dutyCycle)
+ , defaultPWMConfig
+ , setPeriod
+ , setDutyCycle
+ , allocatePWM
+ ) where
+import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
+import Control.IO.Region (Region, alloc_)
+import Control.Monad.Loops (untilM_)
+import Data.Text (Text, pack)
+import Hsm.Log qualified as L
+import System.FilePath ((</>))
+import System.Posix.Files (fileAccess)
+-- This data type defines a placeholder `PWMHandle` to ensure that PWM actions
+-- occur only after the `allocatePWM` function has been called. The empty
+-- handle acts as a flag to enforce the correct order of operations.
+data PWMHandle =
+ PWMHandle
+-- This PWM controller assumes `dtoverlay=pwm-2chan` is set in
+-- `/boot/config.txt`, enabling PWM on GPIO 18 (channel 2) and GPIO 19
+-- (channel 3) for the Pi 5. Alternative configurations with additional PWM
+-- channels are possible. For more information, consult the following links:
+-- - Modifications to `config.txt`:
+-- https://www.pi4j.com/blog/2024/20240423_pwm_rpi5/#modify-configtxt
+-- - SysFS PWM interface:
+-- https://forums.raspberrypi.com/viewtopic.php?t=359251
+-- - UDEV setup for non-root access:
+-- https://forums.raspberrypi.com/viewtopic.php?t=316514
+data PWMChannel
+ = PWM2
+ | PWM3
+ deriving (Bounded, Enum, Show)
+data PWMConfig = PWMConfig
+ { period :: Int
+ , dutyCycle :: Int
+ }
+defaultPWMConfig :: PWMConfig
+defaultPWMConfig = PWMConfig {period = 1000000, dutyCycle = 0}
+logMsg :: Text -> IO ()
+logMsg = L.logMsg ["pwm"]
+chipPath :: FilePath
+chipPath = "/sys/class/pwm/pwmchip0"
+channelIndex :: PWMChannel -> Int
+channelIndex = read . drop 3 . show
+channelPaths :: PWMChannel -> (FilePath, FilePath, FilePath)
+channelPaths channel = (enablePath, periodPath, dutyCyclePath)
+ where
+ channelPath = chipPath </> ("pwm" <> show (channelIndex channel))
+ enablePath = channelPath </> "enable"
+ periodPath = channelPath </> "period"
+ dutyCyclePath = channelPath </> "duty_cycle"
+setPeriod :: PWMHandle -> PWMChannel -> Int -> IO ()
+setPeriod _ channel period = do
+ logMsg
+ $ "Setting period on channel "
+ <> pack (show channel)
+ <> " to "
+ <> pack (show period)
+ writeFile periodPath $ show period
+ where
+ (_, periodPath, _) = channelPaths channel
+setDutyCycle :: PWMHandle -> PWMChannel -> Int -> IO ()
+setDutyCycle _ channel dutyCycle = do
+ logMsg
+ $ "Setting duty cycle on channel "
+ <> pack (show channel)
+ <> " to "
+ <> pack (show dutyCycle)
+ writeFile dutyCyclePath $ show dutyCycle
+ where
+ (_, _, dutyCyclePath) = channelPaths channel
+allocatePWM :: Region -> IO PWMHandle
+allocatePWM region = alloc_ region acquire $ const release
+ where
+ exportPath = chipPath </> "export"
+ unexportPath = chipPath </> "unexport"
+ -- This function waits for a file at the given `path` to become writable
+ -- by the `pwm` user group. A UDEV rule ensures that files in
+ -- `/sys/class/pwm/pwmchip*` are made writable through a `chown` call.
+ -- However, because UDEV rules are applied asynchronously, there may be a
+ -- brief delay before the rule takes effect. This function blocks and
+ -- repeatedly checks the file's write permissions by calling `fileAccess`.
+ -- It continues checking until write access is confirmed.
+ waitWritable path = do
+ logMsg $ "Waiting for " <> pack path <> " to become writable"
+ untilM_ (threadDelay 1000) $ fileAccess path False True False
+ allChannels = [minBound .. maxBound]
+ -- Acquire PWM channels
+ acquireChannel channel = do
+ logMsg
+ $ "Exporting channel "
+ <> pack (show channel)
+ <> " on chip "
+ <> pack chipPath
+ writeFile exportPath $ show (channelIndex channel)
+ let (enablePath, periodPath, dutyCyclePath) = channelPaths channel
+ waitWritable enablePath
+ waitWritable periodPath
+ waitWritable dutyCyclePath
+ logMsg $ "Enabling channel " <> pack (show channel)
+ writeFile enablePath "1"
+ -- Sets default PWM period to 1 us
+ setPeriod PWMHandle channel 1000
+ setDutyCycle PWMHandle channel 0
+ acquire = do
+ waitWritable exportPath
+ waitWritable unexportPath
+ mapM_ acquireChannel allChannels
+ return PWMHandle
+ -- Release PWM channels
+ releaseChannel channel = do
+ let (enablePath, _, dutyCyclePath) = channelPaths channel
+ logMsg $ "Setting duty cycle to 0 on channel " <> pack (show channel)
+ writeFile dutyCyclePath "0"
+ logMsg $ "Disabling channel " <> pack (show channel)
+ writeFile enablePath "0"
+ logMsg
+ $ "Unexporting channel "
+ <> pack (show channel)
+ <> " on chip "
+ <> pack chipPath
+ writeFile unexportPath $ show (channelIndex channel)
+ release = mapM_ releaseChannel allChannels