path: root/ch12_12.ii.hs
diff options
authorPaul Oliver <contact@pauloliver.dev>2025-01-03 11:01:20 -0800
committerPaul Oliver <contact@pauloliver.dev>2025-01-05 09:59:10 -0800
commit6a0d7f5c434c3564d0119befb6799fd77581050a (patch)
treef20bc998290211d2a895523417ad32e297b31af0 /ch12_12.ii.hs
Diffstat (limited to 'ch12_12.ii.hs')
1 files changed, 83 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ch12_12.ii.hs b/ch12_12.ii.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eb4dd2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ch12_12.ii.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity (Identity))
+import Data.Kind (Type)
+import Data.Proxy (Proxy (Proxy))
+import Fcf (Eval, FindIndex, FromMaybe, Stuck, TyEq, type (=<<))
+import GHC.TypeLits (ErrorMessage (ShowType, Text, (:$$:), (:<>:)), KnownNat, TypeError, natVal)
+import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce)
+data OpenSum (f :: k -> Type) (ts :: [k]) where
+ UnsafeOpenSum :: Int -> f t -> OpenSum f ts
+type FindElem (key :: k) (ts :: [k]) =
+ FromMaybe Stuck =<< FindIndex (TyEq key) ts
+-- Exercise 12-ii
+-- Write a closed type family of kind `[k] -> ErrorMessage` that pretty prints
+-- a list. Use it to improve the error message from `FriendlyFindElem`.
+-- Here Sandy gives an equation for the intermediate pattern `(t ': '[])`. I
+-- don't. Even so, recursion seems to work just fine up to the base case of
+-- the empty list.
+type family PrettyList (ts :: [k]) where
+ PrettyList '[] = 'Text ""
+ PrettyList (t ': ts) = 'Text " :: " ':<>: 'ShowType t ':$$: PrettyList ts
+type family FriendlyFindElem (f :: k -> Type) (t :: k) (ts :: [k]) where
+ FriendlyFindElem f t ts =
+ FromMaybe
+ ( TypeError
+ ( 'Text "Attempted to call 'friendlyProject' to produce a `"
+ ':<>: 'ShowType (f t)
+ ':<>: 'Text "'."
+ ':$$: 'Text "But the OpenSum can only contain one of: "
+ ':$$: PrettyList ts
+ )
+ )
+ =<< FindIndex (TyEq t) ts
+type Member t ts =
+ KnownNat (Eval (FindElem t ts))
+findElem :: forall t ts. Member t ts => Int
+findElem = fromIntegral $ natVal $ Proxy @(Eval (FindElem t ts))
+inject :: forall f t ts. Member t ts => f t -> OpenSum f ts
+inject = UnsafeOpenSum $ findElem @t @ts
+project :: forall f t ts. Member t ts => OpenSum f ts -> Maybe (f t)
+project (UnsafeOpenSum i f) =
+ if i == findElem @t @ts
+ then Just $ unsafeCoerce f
+ else Nothing
+ :: forall f t ts
+ . ( KnownNat (Eval (FriendlyFindElem f t ts))
+ , Member t ts
+ )
+ => OpenSum f ts
+ -> Maybe (f t)
+friendlyProject (UnsafeOpenSum i f) =
+ if i == findElem @t @ts
+ then Just $ unsafeCoerce f
+ else Nothing
+decompose :: OpenSum f (t ': ts) -> Either (f t) (OpenSum f ts)
+decompose (UnsafeOpenSum 0 t) = Left $ unsafeCoerce t
+decompose (UnsafeOpenSum n t) = Right $ UnsafeOpenSum (n - 1) t
+weaken :: OpenSum f ts -> OpenSum f (x ': ts)
+weaken (UnsafeOpenSum n t) = UnsafeOpenSum (n + 1) t
+-- usage example
+type SumTypes = '[Bool, Int]
+osum1 :: OpenSum Identity SumTypes
+osum1 = inject (Identity True)
+projVal :: Maybe (Identity Bool)
+projVal = project osum1