path: root/ch14_14.1.example.hs
diff options
authorPaul Oliver <contact@pauloliver.dev>2025-01-03 11:01:20 -0800
committerPaul Oliver <contact@pauloliver.dev>2025-01-05 09:59:10 -0800
commit6a0d7f5c434c3564d0119befb6799fd77581050a (patch)
treef20bc998290211d2a895523417ad32e297b31af0 /ch14_14.1.example.hs
Diffstat (limited to 'ch14_14.1.example.hs')
1 files changed, 79 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ch14_14.1.example.hs b/ch14_14.1.example.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..91bfcbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ch14_14.1.example.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ExplicitNamespaces #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ImportQualifiedPost #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RebindableSyntax #-}
+import Control.Monad.Indexed qualified as I
+import Data.Coerce (coerce)
+import Fcf (Eval, Filter, Find, IsJust, Not, TyEq, type (<=<), type (=<<))
+import GHC.TypeLits (Nat, type (+))
+import Language.Haskell.DoNotation (Monad, pure, (>>=))
+import System.IO qualified as IO
+import Prelude hiding (Monad, pure, (>>=))
+newtype Ix m i j a = Ix
+ { unsafeRunIx :: m a
+ }
+ deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad)
+instance Functor m => I.IxFunctor (Ix m) where
+ imap = fmap
+instance (Applicative m, Monad m) => I.IxPointed (Ix m) where
+ ireturn = pure
+instance (Applicative m, Monad m) => I.IxApplicative (Ix m) where
+ iap :: forall i j k a b. Ix m i j (a -> b) -> Ix m j k a -> Ix m i k b
+ iap = coerce $ (<*>) @m @a @b
+instance Monad m => I.IxMonad (Ix m) where
+ ibind :: forall i j k a b. (a -> Ix m j k b) -> Ix m i j a -> Ix m i k b
+ ibind = coerce $ (=<<) @m @a @b
+data LinearState = LinearState
+ { linearNextKey :: Nat
+ , linearOpenKeys :: [Nat]
+ }
+newtype Linear s (i :: LinearState) (j :: LinearState) a = Linear
+ { unsafeRunLinear :: Ix IO i j a
+ }
+ deriving (I.IxFunctor, I.IxPointed, I.IxApplicative, I.IxMonad)
+newtype Handle s key = Handle
+ { unsafeGetHandle :: IO.Handle
+ }
+ :: FilePath
+ -> IO.IOMode
+ -> Linear
+ s
+ ('LinearState next open)
+ ('LinearState (next + 1) (next ': open))
+ (Handle s next)
+openFile = coerce IO.openFile
+type IsOpen (key :: k) (ts :: [k]) = IsJust =<< Find (TyEq key) ts
+type Close (key :: k) (ts :: [k]) = Filter (Not <=< TyEq key) ts
+ :: Eval (IsOpen key open) ~ 'True
+ => Handle s key
+ -> Linear
+ s
+ ('LinearState next open)
+ ('LinearState next (Eval (Close key open)))
+ ()
+closeFile = coerce IO.hClose
+-- If I try to write this point-free GHC gets angry. Not sure why that is:
+-- • Couldn't match representation of type ‘a0’ with that of ‘IO a’
+-- arising from a use of ‘coerce’
+-- 79 | runLinear = coerce
+-- | ^^^^^^
+runLinear :: (forall s. Linear s ('LinearState 0 '[]) ('LinearState n '[]) a) -> IO a
+runLinear a = coerce a