path: root/ch13_13.2-ii.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'ch13_13.2-ii.hs')
1 files changed, 47 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ch13_13.2-ii.hs b/ch13_13.2-ii.hs
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+{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ImportQualifiedPost #-}
+-- Exercise 13.2-ii
+-- Use `GHC.Generics` to implement the function `exNihilo :: Maybe a`.
+import GHC.Generics qualified as G
+class GExNihilo a where
+ gexNihilo :: Maybe (a x)
+instance GExNihilo G.U1 where
+ gexNihilo = Just G.U1
+instance GExNihilo G.V1 where
+ gexNihilo = Nothing
+instance GExNihilo (G.K1 _1 a) where
+ gexNihilo = Nothing
+instance GExNihilo (a G.:+: b) where
+ gexNihilo = Nothing
+instance GExNihilo (a G.:*: b) where
+ gexNihilo = Nothing
+instance GExNihilo a => GExNihilo (G.M1 _x _y a) where
+ gexNihilo = G.M1 <$> gexNihilo
+-- I could not figure this one out so had to look at the solution. I noticed
+-- Sandy missed to provide the actual implementation of `exNihilo` so here is
+-- my version:
+exNihilo :: forall a. (G.Generic a, GExNihilo (G.Rep a)) => Maybe a
+exNihilo = G.to <$> gexNihilo @(G.Rep a)
+-- Example usage:
+data MyUnit = MyUnit deriving (G.Generic, Show)
+newtype MyType a = MyType a deriving (G.Generic, Show)
+data MySum = MySum1 | MySum2 deriving (G.Generic, Show)
+t1 = exNihilo @MyUnit -- Just MyUnit
+t2 = exNihilo @(MyType ()) -- Nothing
+t3 = exNihilo @MySum -- Nothing