path: root/ch15_15.0.example.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ch15_15.0.example.hs')
1 files changed, 59 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ch15_15.0.example.hs b/ch15_15.0.example.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d63903
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ch15_15.0.example.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilyDependencies #-}
+import Control.Monad.Writer (WriterT, runWriterT, tell)
+import Data.Constraint (Dict (Dict))
+import Data.Foldable (for_)
+import Data.Kind (Type)
+data SBool (b :: Bool) where
+ STrue :: SBool 'True
+ SFalse :: SBool 'False
+data SomeSBool where
+ SomeSBool :: SBool b -> SomeSBool
+fromSBool :: SBool b -> Bool
+fromSBool STrue = True
+fromSBool SFalse = False
+toSBool :: Bool -> SomeSBool
+toSBool True = SomeSBool STrue
+toSBool False = SomeSBool SFalse
+withSomeSBool :: SomeSBool -> (forall (b :: Bool). SBool b -> r) -> r
+withSomeSBool (SomeSBool s) f = f s
+class Monad (LoggingMonad b) => MonadLogging (b :: Bool) where
+ type LoggingMonad b = (r :: Type -> Type) | r -> b
+ logMsg :: String -> LoggingMonad b ()
+ runLogging :: LoggingMonad b a -> IO a
+instance MonadLogging 'False where
+ type LoggingMonad 'False = IO
+ logMsg _ = pure ()
+ runLogging = id
+instance MonadLogging 'True where
+ type LoggingMonad 'True = WriterT [String] IO
+ logMsg s = tell [s]
+ runLogging m = do
+ (a, w) <- runWriterT m
+ for_ w putStrLn
+ pure a
+program :: MonadLogging b => LoggingMonad b ()
+program = do
+ logMsg "hello world"
+ pure ()
+dict :: (c 'True, c 'False) => SBool b -> Dict (c b)
+dict STrue = Dict
+dict SFalse = Dict
+test :: Bool -> IO ()
+test bool =
+ withSomeSBool (toSBool bool) $ \(sb :: SBool b) ->
+ case dict @MonadLogging sb of
+ Dict -> runLogging @b program